Economics from a Keynesian, libertarian perspective
May 24, 2017
Sustainable Budget Solutions 1: Defense
Before I return to the single-payer health care proposal in California, here is another matter that fits into the same narrative (exactly h...
Single-Payer Health Care in California, Part 1
The question of what the American left is going to do after they lost the 2016 election has been answered: expand the welfare state. Ev...
May 16, 2017
Frank Knight, Finn Kydland and a Flat Earth
How refreshing it is to open a book and read that the author's object is a study in "pure theory". The motive ... is twofo...
Colorado: The Egalitarian Frontline
This article is an independent sequel (if the term is permitted) to my article of October last year about the attempts to create a single-p...
April 29, 2017
More on the Corruption of Scientific Inquiry
Almost to the day a year ago I wrote an article on this blog about the corruption of scientific inquiry . I used my own experiences with pe...
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